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Private and semi private personal training (online or in person)

Functional training: Moving your body in a way that recruits multiple muscle groups at once requires a certain level of coordination, focus, and core strength - which is why compound movements are so good for building core strength and stability.

Weight loss: Weight loss is a complicated and extremely personal journey that I can coach you through, because it doesn't look or work the exact same way from one person to the next. Keeping in mind the eating well and the sleeping enough, there are certain exercises and workouts that can be particularly useful in helping you lose weight or burn fat or change your body composition.

Strength training: Want to reduce body fat, increase lean muscle mass and burn calories more efficiently? Strength training is the answer!! With guidance and structured programs Strength training is a key component of overall health and fitness for everyone.

Nutrition and Naturopathie

Your body is a machine. And, like all machines, it needs the right fuel to run well — especially if you are active. But what foods should you eat to benefit your workout? And when?

My nutrition and Naturopathic (supplements or herbs) coaching will help you to gain control of your nutrition and health. Getting the right type of fuel will help boost metabolism, potentially loss fat and improve your overall health.

Insurance receipts available.

Pilates classes or in private sessions

Pilates improves your flexibility - moves are designed to help you (safely) increase the length and stretchability of your muscles.

Pilates makes you stronger, improves your posture, increases your energy levels, promotes weight loss.

On line or
in person coaching

Enter your contact details in the form below to get in touch.

it's time
for fitness

Working for over 15 years in the fitness industry, starting from overweight clients to ballet dancers or athletes, I have the ability to emphasize each of my client’s unique goals and dreams. I am creating a custom action plan that supports them in moving forward toward living their best life.

Holding Fitness Coaching and Naturopathy Certifications also being a member of L’Association des Naturopathes Professionnels du Québec, I worked with people around the world on improving health habits , tuning into their inner voice, cultivating self-love so they can live their best lives. I am bringing a motivational presence to my work through knowledge, compassion, empathy and communication skills.

Through my online and in-person coaching, I help to minimize time wasted and maximize results.

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